Minimising our environmental impact

We recognise the need to protect the natural environment. Keeping our environment clean and unpolluted is a benefit to all.

As of October 2022, we started to build a forest.

For every placement we make, we've committed to planting trees and contributing towards carbon capture/ sustainability projects across the globe. We do this via Ecologi - a certified platform for both individuals and organisations wanting to invest into replanting and supporting environment focused initiatives.

At the time of writing, we have over 1,250 trees in our forest and have supported the prevention of 25 tCO2e from being emitted through 6 verified carbon avoidance projects. You can see our dashboard full of information and all our trees using this link.

If you are considering signing up to Ecologi, please do so via our link here. Why? Nothing in it for us, just for the planet - Ecologi plant 30 trees for every referral! 




In 2021, we signed up to Planet Mark with the aim of reducing our carbon footprint and spreading awareness to others. Part of our journey to be more sustainable is the hopes that along the way, we will encourage individuals and businesses to look into how they can play their part too in the fight to reduce the effects of climate change.

We measured our carbon footprint and received our certificate. At the time we were contributing towards 5 of the Sustainable Development goals, laid out by the United Nations.




​At the end of 2022, we decided that Planet Mark wasn't the most effective way we could make a difference as there wasn't much we could amend that would reduce our footprint, on target, year on year. We learnt a lot whilst taking part in the certification, but realised that because we don't have a major supply chain and are part of a shared building, our efforts were better spent elsewhere.


Local clean-up

We are aiming to do a local litter pick regularly for a few reasons. To clean up our local area, to help support the ecosystems and wildlife we have around us and to encourage those around us to take action. It is sad to see so much litter in such small remits, and so many well known brands and products.

By highlighting big-name brands whose products are scattered about most frequently, we hope that business leaders will take measures to encourage their consumers to dispose of waste responsibly and/or create packaging that's biodegradable (corn starch rather than plastic, cardboard etc.).

Although we think that littering is immoral and a bad message to pass down to future generations, there is satisfaction to be had in litter picking. It's a great team exercise and even outside of work, you can meet new people and be the reason behind someone deciding to be more environmentally friendly.




Charitable Causes

We offer staff 2 charity days a year, to work with charities that they feel passionately about. Our team have taken part in charity fundraisers and events like contributing to the local community by building hampers for families struggling around the Christmas period, taking part in river clean-ups and litter collections. We've also supported charities like Launchpad in their annual Pancake race and food bank allotment support.


Team photo, charity event



Work-life balance  

We want our staff to have fulfilling and happy lives outside of the workplace by not imposing unreasonable work demands. As such we offer all staff members both flexi-time and agile working. The wellbeing of our team is important to each and every one of us because we all care for each other.

With our 3pm Friday's, the team have been able to run errands, meet friends & family, and do the things we are usually too busy to do over the weekends.

Our flexible approach to work enables the team to work remotely twice a week/ as and when they need to. Flexible start and finish times offer us all a greater work life balance to fit into our individual lifestyles.


Half day friday, one of the team playing golf